steve wrote:
M. Lewis wrote:
I'd love to get my wife's machine off of M$ software. The only problem
has been Yahoo Messenger. My wife is dependent on YM to talk with her
family. My wife's family goes to the internet cafe to chat with her, so
they don't have any control over what version of YM is being used. Not
only do they chat, they use the webcam. Prior (a couple of years ago) I
tried several Linux substitutes for YM, including Yahoo's own YM for
Linux (which was the worst).

Hopefully things have changed though and there's a good substitute
available for Linux now.

What is the best recommendation for a replacement for YM on Linux? It
must be compatibl

e with YM and it must be able to use the webcam.
Thanks for any suggestions,

ive been using gyach for years.  works great, while others are
struggling ie. pidgin, empathy to support video/voice gyach has had it
for as long as i can remember.

there may be someone who has one precompiled deb for debian, wait for
another to jump in. ( i use it on ubuntu, might work might not)

you may also want to recommend skype.  both voice and video there as well.

Thanks Steve & Daryl. There doesn't seem to be a .deb for Sid amd64. At least not there. I tried installing it the old fashion way, but got errors with that as well.



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