Mark Goldshtein wrote:
2009/3/20 M. Lewis <cajun@>:
New box, off the 'shelf'. No partitions there unless Dell put them on to
begin with. It was purchased without an O/S.

Hard drive was repartitioned during the (manual) graphic install. LVM,
separate /home /boot, etc.

It's not a laptop, it's a rackmount server. I see *nothing* in the BIOS that
could prevent me from writing to HDs. Yes, I did switch from QDMA mode on
the SATA drives to ATA, with no apparent change.

The machine has a Dell SAS 6 Host Bus Adapter. I see nothing in the
configuration there that would prevent writing to the HD.

Of course I could have missed something in the BIOS, or in the HBA setup,
but looks like I would have seen it as many times as I have been in there
looking for clues.

Have you tried to install another linux distributions?
Is it imperative for you to stick with GRUB? Have you tried LILO?

No, I've not tried another distro (yet).

No, not necessary to stick with grub. I did try LILO the first time it happened and it failed to work as well. I don't recall the error it had though.


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