On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 01:49:59AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> Also going to oddman since I doubt he's among the hundreds subscribed
> to the list.
> On Sat, Aug 23, 2003 at 12:39:22AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > my ebay is going slow... how do youy cure? thanks, mike
> Debian is not ebay.  Why not email ebay or call your ISP's support
> line to figure out what's wrong?
> We're all dying to know, what inspired you to think that we can help
> with someone else's website that we have no control over?  That's like
> calling the gas company because you haven't been getting the daily
> paper in over a week.

Actually, it's not *entirely* irrelevant... the theory goes like this:

- a lot of stuff is 'going slow' at the moment
- this is (presumably) because of the recent M$ exploits generating
  lots of traffic - the thing itself, floods of bounces, broken
  bounces, people downloading antiviral specifics and generally
  yapping about it
- which is a direct result of so many people using Microfots OSes on
  the net (BTW I've been told that when running Symantec's specific
  under XP you have to 'disable "system restore"' (or something)
  otherwise the OS may restore the virus at some later date...)
- so the cure, in the long term, is for oddman to install Debian, and
  give copies to all his friends, etc.

(or, to mangle your analogy, the paper hasn't been coming because the
gas company's supply has been so erratic that it's been so cold in 
the printing works that all the staff have been walking out... the
solution is to tell everyone how to create personal fusion plants
using old microwave ovens and Portland cement.)


Is there a canonical term for a gut-wrenching heave at a totally
spurious thread to try and steer it in an on-topic direction?


Be kind to pigeons
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