On Thu,26.Mar.09, 19:08:32, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
> I wouldn't put my backup info in /etc/apt.  Most of what is in /etc/
> (just like the rest of the file system) is managed by packages which are
> managed by apt.  You may find that what you put in /etc/apt gets changed
> (I don't know, but I wouldn't risk it).
I doubt that. It would be a *serious* bug to do it! You could test it 
like this:

- install a package with it's own config directory in /etc
- create an arbitrary file in that directory
- *purge* the package

now dpkg will delete all files it knows about, but will *not* delete the 
directory and will issue a warning that it is not empty and couldn't be 
deleted. (This is all from memory, there might be minor differences).

> I keep my backups in /var/local/backup.

Whereas /var is more likely to be affected (though I doubt any package 
would have a reason to touch /var/local/backup).

Back to the OP's question, I keep my 'aptitude !~M~i' list in ~/bak 
especially since /home is backed up anyway ;)

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(Albert Einstein)

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