
I reala can not believe it that "matchox" is so ugly...

Does someone know, how to make matchbox looking REALY  beautifull  on  a
QVGA (320x240) screen?  I mean something like the Symbian S60 GUI.

Note:   On my i.MX37 I run a LVDS Display (800x600) with "Feline Virtual
        Window Manager" which is 1.000.000 better  and  more  beautifull
        then "matchbox".

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
    Michelle Konzack
    24V Electronic Engineer
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
<http://www.tamay-dogan.net/>                 Michelle Konzack
<http://www.can4linux.org/>                   Apt. 917
<http://www.flexray4linux.org/>               50, rue de Soultz
Jabber linux4miche...@jabber.ccc.de           67100 Strasbourg/France
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