Afternoon all,

I was wondering if anyone might be able to shed some light on a problem I

I am running pure-ftpd on Debian 5.0/Lenny.

I am having trying to use the symbolic link option that is provided to link
to other folders that I have set up. However, I get an error when trying to
change to that folder when logged in with ftp.
The error is: 550 Can't change directory to repo: No such file or directory

Was the version for Lenny compiled using the --with-virtualchroot option?

I am running Pure-ftpd via xinetd. -A is one of the options that I have
specified for the server_args.
I know that using the mount --bind option is one way to go. But I find the
symlink to be an easier method.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

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