Jonatán Guadamuz Espinoza wrote:
El mié, 01-04-2009 a las 07:09 -0800, Vivek Sahukar escribió:
I have debian 5.0 lenny installed on my laptop; with windows xp
service pack 2 installed in separate partitions of hard drive.
my flash drive (vfat filesystem) is automatically mounted when it's
plugged into usb port.
But my external hard drive and windows partition drive (both ntfs
filesystem) are not automatically mounted; though they are detected.
(It shows "error while mounting")

When I try to give the mount point and filesystem entries by entering
into properties section it says "cannot obtain lock on media.h-mtab."

So, I entered as super user through command line and mounted the
drives from there by giving command "mount -t ntfs <device> <mount
I also changed the file permissions by giving command "chmod -R 777
<drive path>"

I am able to access it through command line; but through graphical
environment it says that "the contents of the folder cannot be
displayed, because you don't have permissions".

Have you installed ntfs-3g?

Please let me know how to access my drives through graphical desktop
environment, as it's easy to navigate.


Vivek Sahukar

I have a similar problem until i get my self rights to use HD in etc/fstab this line: /dev/sda5 /mnt/external ntfs-3g user,force,locale=en_US.utf8 Try to use "Pico" text editor if you are not familiar vith "Vi" editor. This part "/dev/sda5 /mnt/external" doesn't to be the same. Point is to put "ntfs-3g" if it is NTFS and "user"-that mean that every user can use it.
Backup your /etc/fstab so if something goes wrong you can replace it.
I don't know how to do it GUI but I'm also beginner and I made it.
Open Shell, type SU, write root password and type pico /etc/fstab

Then go to (I'm using KDE):
Systen->KUser-user menager then go to your user name->edit->groups and check fuse

I hope that this will help you.

Goran Dobosevic

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