Miles Fidelman <> writes:

> Hello again Folks,
> So.. I'm getting closer to fixing this messed up machine.
> Where things stand:
> I have root defined as an LVM2 LV, that should use /dev/md2 as it's PV.
> /dev/md2 in turn is a RAID1 array built from /dev/sda3 /dev/sdb3 and
> /dev/sdc3
> Instead, LVM is reporting: "Found duplicate PV
> 2ppSS2q0kO3t0tuf8t6S19qY3ypWBOxF: using /dev/sdb3 not /dev/sda3"
> and the /dev/md2 is reporting itself as inactive (cat /proc/mdstat)
> and active,degraded (mdadm --detail)

So you didn't tell lvm.conf to ignore raid component devices or the
detection fails. Worst case exclude sd?3 manualy.

After that a reboot should fix it.


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