On Mon, 2009-04-06 at 10:23 -0700, Freddy Freeloader wrote:
> I've never been pissed off at Debian before but I guess there is always 
> a first.
> I'm experiencing a bug in Gnucash that appeared a couple of days ago on 
> my system that makes Gnucash completely unusable for me.  I turned in a 
> bug report on Friday, checked on it yesterday, and by today the bug had 
> been blocked from being displayed.  It could be found by searching 
> Debian's bug tracker, but only if you know the bug id number.   If you 
> just search for bugs in Gnucash the bug does not appear to exist.
> The bug was closed, and blocked, because it's been fixed upstream in 
> version 2.2.9 which was released by Gnucash in February of this year. 

I think he's talking about #522458, which is neither closed nor hidden,
but can be found on bugs.debian.org/gnucash under the heading "Forwarded
bugs -- Important bugs".

> [snip]

-Julian Blake Kongslie

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