Micha Feigin:
> I'm trying to restore my X settings with the move to X 7.4 in sid which
> requires moving keyboard and mouse settings to hal settings. I tried creating 
> a
> file under
> /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty
> that contains
-- snip
> But it doesn't seem to have any effect
> any ideas on how to get this to work ? (this is for the trackpoint on the
> thinkpads to allow it to scroll using the middle mouse button like under
> windows)

I use:

<match key="info.product" string="TPPS/2 IBM TrackPoint">
    <merge key="input.x11_options.EmulateWheel" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.EmulateWheelButton" type="string">2</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.YAxisMapping" type="string">4 5</merge>
<!--    <merge key="input.x11_options.XAxisMapping" type="string">6 7</merge> 
    <merge key="input.x11_options.Emulate3Buttons" type="string">true</merge>
    <merge key="input.x11_options.EmulateWheelTimeout" type="string">200</merge>

And I think the filename has to end in ".fdi", but I am not sure about
that. And don't forget to restart hal.

The line I commented out enables horizontal scrolling which I usually do
not want to happen.

My medicine shelf is my altar.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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