In <>, Adrian Chapela wrote:
>I am preparing a versioning control. In my environment some of the
>clients are Windows PC. I have implemented the next Subversion +
>TortoiseSVN (for windows clients) + Eventum (for bug control, etc.). All
>work very well but I have a problem that I think it won't be resolved
>with any Versioning control.

Actually, git, monotone, and (I think) mercurial, will all handle this much 

>The problem is the next.
>User1 modifies file1 and file2.
>User2 modifies file3 and file4.
>file1, file2, file3 and file4 belong to the same repo.
>User2 has removed a function from file3 which is used by file1.
>User2 has tested all of his changes and all of them work well.
>User1 has tested all of his changes and all of them work well.
>User1 commits all of changes.
>User2 commits all of changes.

The equivalent of 'svn commit' in git is 'git push'.  When User2 runs git 
push, the push will be rejected as non-fast-forward and User2 will be told to 
merge the changes.  Of course, the textual merge will be done automatically 
(there are no conflicts), but User2 should then test the result of the merge 
before 'git push'ing again.  I believe mercurial is largely the same.

The equivalent of 'svn commit' in monotone is 'mtn push'.  When User2 runs mtn 
push, it will create divergence in the branch.  Next time any user does a mtn 
pull (similar  to svn update) they will  bee notiifdabout the divergencce  and 
asked too resolve it.  Again, the textual merge will be done automatically 
(due to lack of conflicts), but the resolving user will then test the result 
of the merge before 'mtn push'ing again.

For all the nicities that SVN brought us over CVS, it is not as powerful as a 
modern (generally distributed) VCS.  There is work on TortiseGit and TortiseHG 
(mercurial) that is proceeding rapidly.  For monotone, there is a UI called 
Guitone -- maybe other UIs as well.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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