On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 08:03:38PM -0400, Miles Fidelman wrote:
> Alex Samad wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 08:26:21PM +0100, Seri wrote:
>>> Hoping somebody might be able to provide me with some pointers that
>>> may just help me recover a lot of data, a home system with no backups
>>> but a lot of photos, yes I know the admin rule, backup backup backup,
>>> but I ran out of backup space (not a good excuse).
>> not sure about the LVM side of things (fix the raid bit first
>> hopefully).
>> I would guess, that you didn't do a update initrd, thus the mdadm.conf
>> on your initrd is the old one with the 3 disk raid 5 instead of the 4
>> disk. fix that first, then on reboot append to the kernel boot option
>> init=/bin/bash.
>> This will drop you out of the process before everying thing else
>> happens, you should have root mounted.  Check your md's make sure they
>> have come up okay first.
>> as for the lvm you might be lucky if lvm hasn't started because of the
>> error then you might not have lost anything.
> I just got badly bit by this.  I had root on lvm on md (RAID 1).  After  
> one of the component drives died, lvm came back up on top of the other  
> component drive - during boot from initrd - making it impossible to  
> rebuild the RAID array (the component drive with all the data was  
> already mounted).

you can change lvm to look at only md devices and not the sd* or hd* -
depends on your setup.

I am guessing that lvm looked at the raw disk's because they didn't form
a md 

> Ended up hosing my o/s, but luckily not the data.  Ended up booting from  
> a livedisk copying the data to backup, then rebuilding everything from  
> scratch.
> Learned my lesson though - no real reason to have root on lvm - it's now  
> on 3-disk RAID 1.

all ways thought this, KISS

By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity.  Another man's, I mean.
                -- Mark Twain

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