Rodolfo Medina <> writes:

>>> In my sister's home directory there is a pdf file that won't respond to the
>>> `lp' command.  All others pdf files in the same directory behave all right,
>>> and the permissions are the same.  The only difference is the creation
>>> date, which is today wheras the other files are older.
>>> The thing looks mysterious to me.
>>> Can anybody suggest any explanation/remedy?

"Douglas A. Tutty" <> writes:

>> 1.   Are you sure that it is a .pdf file?  run file on it.
> Yes, `file' says it is, and besides it can be viewed by xpdf.
>> 2.   Did she put that file there?
> Yes, she did.
>> 4.   If the file opens with a pdf viewer, what happens if you try to
>>      print from the viewer?
> It won't be printed either!

Norbert Zeh <> writes:

> What paper format does the file use?  I've had printers refuse to print
> files that used odd page sizes (such as Springer online files).  If the
> paper size is odd, there should be a way to scale it to letter size,
> even though I don't remember how.

With the same printer, MS Windows Adobe Reader prints the file normally.


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