I imagine this question has been answered lots of times, but I'll be dumb and 
ask it again.


I am setting up a Debian computer and hope to use it primarily as a file 
server.  This is for a network, and all the computers network together through 
an ISDN router modem thingy.  We have two Windows XP Professional Edition 
computers able to pass files back and forth through this network.


How would I set up the Linux box so it can be seen on this network?  How easy 
will it be to access the files on the computer, or for the windows machines to 
write to it?  What will I need to do with the Windows machines to simplify 
this, if anything at all?


My goal is to use the linux machine as a rather expensive external hard disk 
drive.  We evidently had some bad drives, and now we have a good one, and 
rather than try to move everything off this machine, and put Windows and all 
the programs I want to run on the new one, I feel it will be simpler if I just 
park all the files off these computers on to the linux machine for backup.  
Also, some files will likely be saved to and worked on directly from the Debian 


There are two computers that we want to be able to access this machines files 
in this way.


Thanks for any information you can give me, even if they're just links to 
how-tos. :-)



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