On 2009/04/27 13:48 (GMT+0200) Klistvud composed:

> I bet all Iceweasel (or FireFox, for that matter) users have noticed 
> this.

> Iceweasel/FireFox fonts are waaay smaller than your desktop fonts. For 
> example, if you limit the smallest font in Iceweasel to the size of 
> your menu/desktop/GUI fonts, it will actually be displayed as a tiny 
> font of about half their size. Vice versa, to get 
> web pages to display fonts visually equivalent to, say, your size-8 
> menu font, you must set the smallest Iceweasel font to as 
> high as 
> 14!

> I'd be really grateful if a person skilled in the art would explain 
> this to me. Why is a size-14 font in Iceweasel visually no bigger than 
> a size-8 font in the rest of the 
> GUI??? When did font sizes become a matter of... uhm, opinion?

What is your display size?

What is your display resolution?

Is there a line in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that specifies DPI or

Do you use a display and cable that correctly support EDID and DDC?

How do these pages look in IW, Midori, Epiphany, Konq and Opera? Not all the

In most apps, font sizes are set in pt, same as for printing. On web pages
this is not the case (where authors typically specify sizes in px. em or %).
This is also not the case for most Mozilla apps, where preference sizes are
set in px instead of pt. Pt sizes are DPI dependent, while px size are not.
As a consequence, in most Mozilla apps, the default needs to be changed by
the user your desktop's DPI varies more than a little from 96, the default
DPI assumed by M$ Windows and most web authors.

Many things affect fonts. You've so far told us virtually nothing about any
of them on your system.

Font issues on Linux: http://fm.no-ip.com/auth/Font/fonts-linux-about.html
"He who works his land will have abundant food, but the
one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty."
                                Proverbs 28:19 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/

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