Running Testing/Squeeze on a home machine, I have noticed that when the
GNOME libraries were recently updated a couple of things began to happen (or
rather - stopped happening!).  The two issues are, in no particular order of

* when additional file systems/ media were connected (e.g. CD, USB drive,
camera, external HD, etc.) although the media were automounted, icons were
no longer shown on the desktop as they had been previously.  These can be
accessed via the System icon and when the media icon is clicked, a
corresponding icon will be placed on the desktop.  I would like to see this
process automated, but I don't even know what the process is called if it
has a name so I am having trouble trying to google it.

* I have my top panel set to autohide ... which it does about as equal
number of times as it doesn't.  This can be fixed with a mouse-over, but I
am curious as to what might be making it stick like that.

Minor annoyances really, but I still wouldn't mind getting them sorted out
if possible.  Any ideas?

Thanks for ideas


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