Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 29 2009, Antonio Diaz wrote:
>>   When I compile the kernel the file "initrd" is not created in spite
>> of I'm specifying the "--initrd" option in the command line. Exactly,
>> the command that I'm using to compile the kernel is:
>> "make-kpkg --initrd --revision=1:xps.10 kernel_image"
>>   May be there is a problem with the application that creates the
>> initrd file.
>>   Any suggestions?
> ,----[ Manual page make-kpkg(1) ]
> |  --initrd
> |         If make-kpkg is generating a kernel-image package, arrange to
> |         convey to the hook scripts that this image requires an initrd,
> |         and that the initrd generation hook scripts should not short
> |         circuit early. Without this option, the example initramfs hook
> |         scripts bundled in with ker‐ nel-package will take no action on
> |         installation.  The same effect can be achieved by setting the
> |         environment variable INITRD to any non empty value.  Please note
> |         that unless there are hook scripts in /etc/kenel or added into
> |         the hook script parameter of /etc/kernel-img.conf.  no initrd
> |         will be created.
> `----
>         So, drop in scripts in /etc/kernel/post{inst,rm}.d/ to
>  create/delete the initramfs files. You can use yaird, or
>  initramfs-tools. For the latter, there are example scripts that you
>  could use as a starting point:
>  /usr/share/kernel-package/examples/etc/kernel/post{inst,rm}.d/initramfs
>         manoj
I upgraded to kernel-package 12.010
If i use a :
make-kpkg --initrd kernel_image
then created .deb will have a initrd image ?
And it will install it ?
Sorry but my english is not so good, so i'm trying to get this clear.

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