On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:01:18PM +0200, Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
> Hi list,
> I found out that second displays are no longer detected with the closed
> source nvidia driver. Neither nvidia's nvidia-settings tool, nor xrandr
> shows the second display. Also entering some monitor info directly into
> xorg.conf hasn't solved my issues. Using the open source nv driver
> works, but the video performance is then rather slow.
> I tried the newest driver directly from nvidia, to no avail. Has anybody
> else had similar problems? I filed a bug report at nvidia, but maybe
> somebody on this list can help me too.

I have seen this on a hp laptop 8510w and with the second deisplay.

the 173.x drivers are okay, but they stop at around 2.6.28 (or .26 I

I have tried to log a nvidia bug report, but I haven't heard anything

> Sjoerd

186,282 miles per second:
        It isn't just a good idea, it's the law!

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