On Mon, 25 Aug 2003 22:22:19 -0700
Ross Boylan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I wanted to look at a video on a web site that offered it in
> RealPlayer, QuickTime, and Windows Media Player format.  To my suprise
> (since I had installed RealPlayer) I couldn't, and this led to some
> questions that perhaps people here could answer.
> Which of these formats would be the best choice for Debian (I do have
> some windows partitions, though I don't think I've installed any of
> the recent MediaPlayer stuff)?  Ideally, I want it to work through my
> mozilla 1.4 browser, built with gcc 3.3.

I've not yet found any universal solution, but I am awfully happy with
gxine.  Sadly, it's not a Debian package, but it's a very simple compile
- just a frontend to xine, really.  It deals with web media far better
than mplayer-plugin did for me.  While I prefer (g)mplayer's interface
for watching full length movies/TV, gxine is nice and simple - good for
catching a quick clip when you don't want to fish around for buttons and

Todd Pytel

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