On 22 May 2009 17:14:24 Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> In <886fa7aa0905220106n791648e1v6b79acecc06b3...@mail.gmail.com>, Jason
> Filippou wrote:
> Aptitude assigns each possible resolution a score.  A resolution's score is
> the sum of the scores of all actions in the resolution.  Each possible
> action has a fixed, integral score.  The defaults for these scores and the
> configuration option to alter them are documented
> http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s04s05.htm
>l and in the package(s) aptitude-doc-$lang.
> Those documents contain all the apt.conf settings that will affect
> aptitude, the ones that affect action score are all of the form:
> Aptitude::ProblemResolver::${Action}Score.
> When presenting the user with a solution, aptitude will show the one with
> the highest score that the resolver has found so far.  Solutions that are
> found to have a score that is too low will be immediately rejected.

Well, in plain english: what's the better: a low number or a high number?

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