On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Bijan Soleymani wrote:

> On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 11:25:55AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > Some time after I left the COBOL job, I was employed writing C
> > in an app that screamed for COBOL.  I'd say that 1/5th of the
> > SLOCs, and most of the bugs, were of the form:
> >
> >   strncpy(really_long_variable, another_long_variable,
> >           sizeof(another_long_variable));
> >
> > By commercial, I meant record-oriented "data processing" type
> > software, not programs sold in stores and catalogs or by sales
> > people.
> I find that Perl is a very nice language that avoids such low-level
> problems. There's a whole family of such scripting languages that begin
> with the letter P. Perl, Python, Php, Pike,...
> The advantage here is that the main (only?) implementation of each of
> these languages is an excellent free software implimentation designed
> for Linux/Unix and ported to every imaginable OS (from VMS to Windows to
> Plan 9).
> Other advantages include the fact that these languages are general
> purpose and can pretty much handle all kinds of problems. And also the
> fact that they are easily extensible through C.

This just isn't true.  Perl at least is brought to its knees by a variety
of problems that C has no trouble with whatsoever.  I've had simple
pixel-crawling image processing algorithms take a day to run in Perl, when
I rewrote in C about 30 seconds.  And that's with PDL (admittedly PDL call
overhead was I think the major thing slowing perl down, but that's hardly
reassuring).  The scripting languages just aren't anywhere near as fast as
the older, simpler, compiled ones.  Its not that I don't still write first
drafts of many codes in perl, its just that now I budget time to rewrite
them in C if I need to (its still usually faster overall to prototype
first in perl, even if you know you are doomed speed-wise).  I don't know
if perl and cobol have the same relationship, or if there are common
business tasks that still need the speed, but it seems like a definite


> I don't know much about Cobol, but if it's a simple language then I
> think it might be worth it. But if it's a complex language with such a
> limited scope then I think it's not so great.
> SQL is a good example of a simple very specific language.
> Perl is a good example of a complex very general language.
> Very specific languages that are too complex are being killed off by
> languages such as Perl. For example people going from awk to perl
> (there's even an a2p script that'll do automatic conversion).
> Bijan
> --
> Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://www.crasseux.com

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