On Monday 25 May 2009 01:55 pm, ZephyrQ wrote:
> I have a large number of music files (17 gig worth...yes, for all prying
> eyes they are legal...) that I find I need to convert from .ogg to .mp3.
> Not that I want to...but between a teenager with an iphone and being
> saddled with cell phone that won't play .ogg...well, you get the picture.
> What is the best way to do this?  I would prefer a CLI option that I can
> run in the background, but I want to save as much sound quality as I can
> with the transfer...

Attached is a script that I downloaded from the net.  I use it all the time 
and it works without a glitch.  It is currently configured to take wav files 
from one directory and convert them to mp3 format and write the converted 
file out to a different folder.  Then it deletes the wav file.  The script is 
very easy to hack to meet your needs.  It will get you back into scripting.

Happy hacking,


Attachment: autolame
Description: application/shellscript

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