Jochen Schulz wrote:
Johannes Wiedersich:
Is there a simple approach to convert emails to pdf or ps? It should
basically work like printing from a mail program, ie. stripping most of
the header except to, from and subject and only print the text of the
email without attachments.

It's quite a few mails in a folder on their own and I don't want to
print them from icedove from the gui.

mutt + muttprint give acceptable results, but I have no idea how to
script it.


I think anyway you do it, aside from scripting, is going to take a few steps. I mean, if you save the .eml from icedove, you can open it in a text editor that will produce pdf, like medit, tickle text, etc.
That's several steps (save, open in text editor, export to pdf).
Or you could simply copy/paste to an editor or even oowriter to do the same.
From the command line, after saving the .eml, you could
enscript it to ps and ps2pdf it.
The .eml file is basically just a plain txt file, really. could select the text and then run a script that grabs text from the clipboard (can be done, but I don't know how) to run it through enscript and ps2pdf...
Like this (just tried it)

#!/usr/bin/env wish
# get selection, pipe to enscript / ps2pdf

set mytext [selection get -selection PRIMARY]

exec echo $mytext > mytext.txt
exec enscript mytext.txt -q -B -p
exec ps2pdf mytext.pdf
exec rm mytext.txt

I selected some text and ran this, and bang, had me a pdf with the selected text. It will work with any selected text. In most decent window managers (read, not gnome, kde, or xfce), it would easy to set a keybinding to fire the whole thing off. For instance, in fluxbox, just as an example (about the same in openbox), one could set the keybinding Mod1+P (alt-p, if you will) to run this generate pdf script. Stick the script in /usr/local/bin, or something, call it sel2pdf (ie. selection to pdf), program the binding
(in your ~/.fluxbox/keys file add
Mod1 p :ExecCommand sel2pdf
And then all you would have to do is select the text and bang alt-p.
Of course, that's make it an efficient action once it's all in place, which is useful if it's something you do repeatedly. At the same time, there's probably a more efficient way to script it than using Tcl/wish, then bash commands, and running the text through both enscript and ps2pdf...There might be a tool that will go straight to pdf. Now, I used tcl's selection to get clipboard contents, and then bash to do everything else, simply because I don't know how to get clipboard contents otherwise, but there are bash tools for that.
There's something called xclip, but I don't have it installed on my system.

Or, I, if you don't want to overwrite mytext.pdf everytime, you could do:

#!/usr/bin/env wish
# get selection, pipe to enscript / ps2pdf

set filename [clock seconds]
set mytext [selection get -selection PRIMARY]

exec echo $mytext > $filename.txt
exec enscript $filename.txt -q -B -p $
exec ps2pdf $ $filename.pdf
exec rm $filename.txt $

or something like that.
It will give you a file like 1243647083.pdf

Likely someone on here knows a lot better than I, and can improve on this little script. I only started learning bash scripting and tcl about 18 months ago (despite using only gnu/linux at work/home for nearly a decade)...Some day I might be a real hacker, but not yet.

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