On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 00:39:39 +1000, David Kinyua wrote:
> Florian Kulzer wrote:
>> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 16:55:33 +1000, David Kinyua wrote:
>>> Florian Kulzer wrote:
>>>> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 11:41:42 -0400, mathengejr AT aim DOT com wrote:
>>>>> How do i get video to work on vlc. I noticed this since I 
>>>>> reconfigure  kernel.


>>>>> [00000001] main private warning: cannot load module 
>>>>> `/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libffmpeg_plugin.so'    
>>>>> (/usr/lib/vlc/codec/libffmpeg_plugin.so: undefined symbol: img_resample)


>>> ldd /usr/lib/vlc/codec/libffmpeg_plugin.so | grep avcodec gives me 
>>> this,  Kulzer
>>>    libavcodec.so.51 => /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavcodec.so.51 (0xb763a000)
>>> so I guess everything is in order there!
>> The up-to-date Lenny version of libavcodec51 (0.svn20080206-17+lenny1)
>> does define img_resample (I downloaded and checked the packages for i386
>> and amd64), so there must be something wrong with the avcodec libraries
>> that you have on your system. Please post the out of these commands:


> ls -l /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavcodec.so.51
> gives lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 2009-05-06 00:30 
> /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavcodec.so.51 -> libavcodec.so.51.58.0

On a standard Lenny system this should link to libavcodec.so.51.50.0.

> nm -D /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavcodec.so.51 | grep img_
> gives
> 0006f280 T ff_img_copy_plane
> 0006f440 T img_copy
> 0006f0d0 T img_crop
> 0006f110 T img_get_alpha_info
> 0006fd60 T img_pad

As you can see yourself, this library does not provide img_resample.

> dpkg -S /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavcodec.so.51
> gives
> libavcodec51: /usr/lib/i686/cmov/libavcodec.so.51
> dpkg -l libavcodec\* | awk '/^i/{print $1,$2,$3}'
> gives
> ii libavcodec-dev 3:20080706-0.3lenny1
> ii libavcodec51 3:20080706-0.3lenny1

This is the debian-multimedia.org version of libavcodec51; it does not
work with Lenny's vlc. As I have pointed out earlier, you have to
install version 0.svn20080206-17+lenny1 of libavcodec51.

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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