On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 02:27:50PM +0200, Elie De Brauwer wrote: [...] } I agree, but when it comes to documentation c is the absolute top. man } strchr, man strlen, man strcmp, man sin, man cos it's all in the manuals } but try do get a description from some of the functions from the C++ STL } out of the manpage. It is hardly possible to code C++ and use the } features (vector, list, queue and more of those prety things) without } buying some dead trees. } } C is perfectly commented in the manpages, php has php.net, java has the } api documentation, perl has perldoc and c++ has /dev/null (i know the } first remark is that all c functions that are commented are part of of } c++ and you have a piece).
The only reason you can't find documentation for C++ libraries is because you haven't looked. Stop spreading misinformation and STFW. Explore the URLs below. http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/ http://www.dinkumware.com/refxcpp.html While I did voluntarily purchase one dead tree book on C++ (I have others, but they were either free or required for a class, and I haven't found any of them useful), I also voluntarily purchased one dead tree book on C (and have others that were free and minimally useful). I have found both books useful through the years, but rarely refer to either now that I have gained sufficient expertise with the languages, not to mention the convenience of the aforementioned websites. --Greg -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]