AG wrote:
> Matthew Moore wrote:
>> On Monday June 15 2009 2:32:18 pm AG wrote:
>>> Default DVD/CD-drive that plays media.  Sorry - my poor wording. I mean
>>> the device doesn't seem to be automounted when I load an optical disk.
>>> The applications that play DVD (mplayer, kmplayer, totem) and audio CDs
>>> (kscd, goobox) cannot find the media.  In one bizarre twist, kscd can
>>> read track names, but when prompted to press play claims there's no disk.
>> Does it mount correctly for data-only discs? Are you a member of the cdrom 
>> and 
>> plugdev groups (I am not sure if this is still required)? Do you have HAL 
>> installed? Does anything (e.g. usb drives) automount in your DE?
>> MM
> Hi Matthew & Thierry
> Yes - it loads data disks just fine and also DVD disks that I have burnt
> myself.  When testing it using k3b to burn a DVD, k3b locates the disk
> immediately and burns successfully.  All other USB drives show up fine. 
> As the sole user, I have permissions to load CD-ROMs and as far as I can
> tell I am a member of all of the relevant groups.
> Gnome has an easier time than Xfce4 in picking up that a disk has been
> loaded (i.e. an icon pops up on my desktop in Gnome, but nada in Xfce4).
> It is because of this inconsistency that I am confused: if it was
> completely dead - I'd be looking for a damaged drive/ disconnection.  If
> no audio-CD player found it, I'd be wondering about permissions; if
> nothing worked (i.e. no data disks, etc.) then it may be related to
> something else.  But, because it can automount data CDs and home-made
> DVDs, burn disks fine and that Gnome not Xfce4 picks up the icon, and
> that only Rhythmbox can play the disk that I am so confused by this.  I
> mean, what is with kscd reading the track info but then telling me that
> it cannot play the disk because there is no disk loaded in the player -
> how does it read track info then?
> I am completely at sea with this ... last time I started hacking away at
> my /etc/fstab, changing symlinks and just generally getting myself into
> a mess without accomplishing anything.  This time, after a fresh
> install, I want to leave well enough alone until I can gather some input
> from this community that may help deal with this in a more systematic
> manner.
> So ... any ideas, because I am clean out of any myself and Google is not
> throwing back anything of use and there is nothing in the Debian
> literature nor from user fora that I can see that is helpful.
> Thanks in anticipation.
> AG

Hi, I too have a sata dvd/cd drive, I had trouble installing Etch, but
since then all never versions worked fine. But on another machine, with
the same model I had to do a firmware upgrade before the drive could be
used reliably. Before the upgrade the drive would work for reading, but
any burning attempt was failing.
FWIW, but maybe your drive is having such a problem too.
The bad bad part is I wasn't able to upgrade the firmware on Debian, had
to remove the drive and take it to a computer with a well known
proprietary OS installed. I don't know where "flashrom" is standing on
that matter now.

Hope it helps,


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