On Tue,16.Jun.09, 07:51:15, Stackpole, Chris wrote:
> > 
> > Unfortunately such hardware is not good enough for HD (not even 720p).
> > I'm even struggling to get my laptop (Intel Dual Core T2330 @ 1.6 GHz
> > and nvidia Quadro NVS 140M) to show 1080p.
> According to Wikipedia [1] you are supported for VDPAU so why not use
> it?
> The SVN of MythTV supports it as does the latest XBMC for Linux. Or if
> you want just a single application then just grab the latest Mplayer.
> Just as a point of ref, I have a P4 3.0Ghz with 3GB ram box that
> struggled to play 720p. It drained my resources but it was
> watchable...barely. I installed the latest nvidia drivers, the latest
> XBMC, and now it plays 1080p with less then 30% of the processor (720p
> uses less the 15%).

I'm struggling for a while now to get vdpau working with mplayer (from 
debian-multimedia and upstream svn), but it still doesn't work. XBMC is 
not available and mythtv seems to be a monster.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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