Fred Zinsli a écrit :
> Hello all
> I have been usind Debian for some years now, but exclusively as a server
> platform.
> My partner has a VISTA machine and she is always having problems with it.
> No surprises there I guess.
> I am wanting to offer her a Debian solution in pace of her windowz
> solution but I thought I would ask some questions first.
> Apart from the basic web surfing and email stuff I asked her what else she
> really must be able to do.
> They are:
> 1. Rip (copy) DVD movies. We copy every single movie we own and only play
> the copied movie. This includes copywright movies. I won't get into the
> discussion over copying our movies.
> 2. Play her games. They are all windowz based games like call of duty and
> the like.
> Can I meet the above requirements in either etch or lenny and if so can
> someone please point me to where I can get the information to allow me to
> setup the new platform to meet those requirements for her.
> Many thanks in advance for any comments.
> Regards
> Fred
Hi, very good idea to switch, even better for Debian. There will be no
problem/limitation regarding multimedia stuff, I use heavily my Debian
workstation for multimedia processing: video editing, digital
photography, music ripping and the like and I have never really suffered
from using Debian (with repository that is).

Regarding windows games, I am not an expert at all, but I have used the
"playonlinux" package (available in "contrib") with is a Wine
"facilitator" (scripts to installed required dll's and such), it could help.

As said by another poster there's commercial solutions especially
dedicated to windows games on Linux, and of course quality games
available directly on Linux. I think could be a good
starting point for those matters.

Happy switching !


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