Am Tue, 23 Jun 2009 11:03:57 -0500
schrieb Curtis Tyndall <>:

> I was able to get the interface to stop crashing everytime it tried
> to load.  My work computer is working great now.  However, my home 
> computer, I can get to the desktop and the screen resolution/sync is
> set properly, but the issue is that now about an inch of the
> right/bottom of the screen is off the screen (like the desktop is
> stretched).  It seems like debian is not recognizing that my monitor
> is a widescreen (acer x193w, 1440x900 resolution).  Is there a way to
> correct that?

Do you use a DVI cable? If you are using an analog cable, you may have
to configure the monitor itself using those small buttons and on-screen

If that doesn't help, you need someone with more Xorg knowledge than
me, I only configured resolution and sync, more was never necessary.

> Curtis


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