also sprach lee <> [2009.07.09.2204 +0200]:
>        -a, --auto{=no,yes,md,mdp,part,p}{NN}
>               Instruct mdadm to create the device file if needed,
>               possibly allocating an unused minor number.  "md" causes
>               a non-partitionable array to be used.  "mdp", "part" or
>               "p" causes a partitionable array (2.6 and later) to be
>               used.
> "
> You can still decide if you want a partitionable or non-partitionable
> RAID, thus not all RAIDs are partitionable since kernel
> 2.6.29. Unfortunately, the man page doesn't seem to say what the
> default is for the partitionability of the RAID.

mdadm has, uh, conservative maintenance. mdp is no longer needed.
"non-partitionable" arrays will be partitionable with newer kernels.

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madd...@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
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"truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because
 fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isnt."
                                                       -- mark twain

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