On Wednesday 27 August 2003 18:05, Piotr Malecki wrote:
> By kppp I also cannot connect, message show me that pppd has suddenly
> finished  its operation or something like that
Don't know why but I too couldn't establish a dial-up connection using kppp
> Maybe someone can help me ? I want to connect to Internet on Debian -
> on Red Hat were not any problems  ...

I successfully set up dial-up capabilities on my machine using pppconfig and 
use pon and poff commands to bring the link up and down respectively.

pppconfig worked out perfectly such that there was absolutely no need to make 
any changes to the files  /etc/chatscripts/provider and  
/etc/ppd/peers/provider. The only additional configuration setting that was 
required was to add a route to the remote network in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/.

$ man pppconfig

> Thanks for any help.
Wish you luck.
Alphonse Ogulla
Nairobi, Kenya

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