> the X11 in debian/unstable is very broken right now. It requires HAL  
> which i replaced with a dummy package and now the "DontZap" option in  
> /etc/X11/xorg.conf is also broken... I can't quit X11 with ctrl+alt+bs  
> anymore...

I have that problem as well and I am using the real HAL package.

> Is that HAL dependency supposed to make it into stable?

I suppose yes, but I don't know. And I think it has nothing to do with
the DontZap problem.

> I would like to know so because then I can move our machines to another  
> distro soon enough before the shit hits the fan.

Dude, calm down. It's just a package. :)

I want to keep my skin looking good but I believe all computers do the
same job.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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