> Ok, let us assume I wouldn't be able to remove HAL from a installed  
> Debian without breaking X11 permanently and I have a random problem  
> (pick one from this list: 
> http://www.google.com/search?q=HAL+problem+linux).

Previously, you said not only HAL itself is the problem, but the *idea*
behind it. I have no reason to doubt that HAL isn't necessarily the best
implementation of the idea but that doesn't mean the whole idea is bad.

> So I turn here and ask how to solve the problem.
> The answers will very likely force(!) me(!)

Nobody forces you to do anything. You can compile patch X.org yourself,
run oldstable, switch to another distribution or throw your computer out
of the window. Or you could just accept HAL and go on with your life.

> to learn to understand how  
> to alter the HAL configuration while it should be possible not to  
> install HAL in the first place if it wasn't made a needlessly  
> requirement(!) for running a Debian desktop.

Previously, it was required to know how to edit xorg.conf and how to
change (e.g.) the keyboard layout for virtual terminals. Now you don't
need that anymore, but you are required to configure system wide
defaults for both the console and X. I fail to see how the situation has
become worse.

> Is that enough of an answer or is there any HAL fanboy left who want's  
> to battle choice?

Actually, I couldn't care less about HAL. I am just asking myself
whether the X.org devs battle choice or whether you are battling

If all my friends had Playstations I would buy a Nintendo to prove my
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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