On 2009-07-20 at 09:43 -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> I have a bad drive in a laptop and am attempting to salvage what I can
> with (roughly)
> dd conv=noerror,sync if=/dev/sda3 of=/nfs/backup
> where the of is NFS mounted from another system.
> This keeps trying when it encounters a disk read error, but there are
> lots of errors and it is very slow (only 200MB transferred in c 9
> hours).  The first 62G went OK, but the disk is c 75G.

man dd, in particular ibs, obs, skip, seek and options noerror and

> I'm willing to accept some sectors as lost, but it would really help if
> there were a way to do so quickly.  Is there?

I'd skip to about 63G (dont forget to seek), yielding a hole in your
image using noerror.  As soon as you have saved the bulk of your data,
you may try to fill the holes using count to not overwrite stuff you
already saved.  Sorry, all this is from the top of my head, for the
exact syntax I'd better look at the manpage too.

> I think the drive is SATA; it's in a Dell Latitude D630 laptop.  I
> booted off a Knoppix 5.1 CD. sda3 is an NTFS partition.

Irrelevant in this context.

Happy loop mounting
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