
On Thu Aug 28, 2003 at 01:54:44AM -0400, Paul M Foster wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 05:08:08AM +0200, Thomas Krennwallner wrote:
> > Go and read "Design Patterns: Elements Of Reusable Object-Oriented
> > Software"[1]. It's THE book for developers who think like you. He, I was
> > in your group, but after reading this book I was enlightened ;-)
> I have it on my shelf and have used it from time to time. Good book. But
> it contains a lot of examples of exactly what I'm talking about. "Okay,
> so you want the interface to this class to be defined by this other
> class, which...." Argh.
> I hope you didn't mention that book to make a point about reusable code, 
> because it doesn't present any reusable code. "Patterns" yes. "Reusable 
> code" no.

Well than I suggest to read the Preface:

A word of warning and encouragement: Don't worry if you don't understand
this book completely on the first reading. We didn't understand it all
on the first writing!


No, you're right. It needs a lot of practise and nitty-gritty knowledge
of C++ to apply patterns. But I have another reading suggestion: John
Vlissides "Pattern Hatching: Design Patterns Applied". He's one of the
GoF and wrote this book as successor to the PatternBook. Many examples,
good style, fun reading ...

So long

PS: No, I don't work for AW ;-)

 .''`.  Obviously we do not want to leave zombies around. - W. R. Stevens
: :'  : Thomas Krennwallner <djmaecki at ull dot at>
`. `'`  1024D/67A1DA7B 9484 D99D 2E1E 4E02 5446  DAD9 FF58 4E59 67A1 DA7B
  `-    http://bigfish.ull.at/~djmaecki/

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