On Wednesday 22 July 2009 09:18:11 Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 22, 2009 at 08:56:25AM -0500, Joseph Rawson wrote:
> > Using reprepro makes it easy to upload the new packages to an
> > "experimental" dist for testing, then call "reprepro -b /path/to/repos
> > copysrc experimental lenny-backports $srcname".  I had to learn this the
> > hard way, because occasionally some backported packages don't work
> > properly.
> Thanks for the tip. I'll note it down for reference.
> > If you have a spare machine, or enough spare ram to run virtualbox, you
> > may want to take a look at cowpoke (in the devscripts package).  Cowpoke
> > will run cowbuilder on a remote machine (or VM if you use virtualbox). 
> > Here you get the benefit of having a build log saved for you, having
> > lintian run on the result (you may not care about this) and also having
> > the .changes file signed (you may not care about this either).
> True. But it's a personal machine, and only for a few packages.
> > On a related note, I've been spending the last week on rebuilding lenny
> > packages using alternative CFLAGS and -march options.  I have a friend
> > who's running gentoo, and he keeps telling me that they have a better
> > system for building packages with the options the you select.  I decided
> > to try and make my own quick, sloppy build system using multiple buildd's
> > with cowpoke as an example.  I've had mixed results with some packages
> > honoring those options and other packages ignoring them.  It's been a
> > very interesting experiment.
> This interests me a lot. I have been thinking for a long time about
> the "Gentoo" way, and I've been thinking why it should be any
> different for Debian. Let me detail you on what my idea is, since
> you've pretty much been doing something similar.
> Suppose there is a Debian package, which uses configure and supports
> several options using the many --enable-<feature> flags, or,
> alternately, disables some in a similar manner. If you want a custom
> package, you would have to do apt-get source <pkg>, and manually edit
> the rules file to enable or disable the options, or change the CFLAGS
> or compiler options. Not too difficult, but it the method differs from
> package to package. Why not alter the rules file to provide default
> values, and alter itself according to the environment, or according to
> some settings in a file like Gentoo's /etc/mk.conf?
> To firm up my description, consider the case of mutt, or elinks. Say
> you don't need mutt's IMAP support or SMTP support, or elinks' 256
> colour support. It's not too tough to get the source package, modify
> one or two lines, and build it. But what I am hoping for is something
> like
> USE="-smtp -imap" debuild
> or the like, and other options such as compiler flags can also be
> specified. This is much less kludgey, and is much automated, like
> Gentoo.
> Granted, this would require the modification of debian/rules files to
> be sensitive to the environment variables, but I was still hopeful
> that if we can formulate a standard to adhere to, we could propose
> this to some package maintainers for packages where it could make a
> difference (smaller executable sizes, faster/more optimized
> performance for number crunching etc.).
> Do you think this is a good idea?
> Thanks.
> Kumar

BTW, I almost forgot.  You may want to take a look at this:


There is a lot of interesting ideas here about rebuilding packages for an 
embedded environment, and many of these ideas are useful for helping to make 
a customized distribution, regardless of whether the target is embedded or 

Joseph Rawson

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