On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 10:00:44AM +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> The problem with downloading the applications from seamonkey, is
> that they are .tar.gz files, rather than .deb packages, and my
> experience with using .tar.gz files for installing software, rather
> than .deb packages, is that the .tar.gz files are messy to install,
> and the effects horrendous.

Actually, the tarballs from Mozilla aren't source, so they don't
require installation. You can run the firefox/seamonkey/whatever binary
from the directory you extracted it to.

> I also found that, from what I understand, Debian 5.0 requires java,
> in much the same way as (and with far greater system vulnerability
> than)
> MS Windows has been requiring Internet Explorer.

This is certainly not true. Java is in the non-free repository, which
would make it impossible to include in the default distribution. Debian
doesn't really require anything, anyway - you don't even need X.

> superuser privilege is limited, and, it uses an unwieldy means of
> identifying partitions, making modifying the fstab and mounting
> partitions, somewhat traumatic, instead of simply using the hda<x>
> or /dev identifier, which would make system administration, much
> more efficient.

That's probably UUIDs. Debian does this as well. I'm not well versed in
the advantages and disadvantages of UUIDs, but I do know that they never
change, unlike files in /dev.


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