On Sat,01.Aug.09, 21:56:46, Rob Owens wrote:
> What's the proper setting to get good line breaks in Mutt (using vim),
> without manually hitting the enter key?  (So that this paragraph, for
> instance, is not one long line of text, but rather several shorter lines of
> text).
> I currently have this in .muttrc:
> set editor="vim -c 'set wrapmargin=5'"

If filetype plugins are active[1] vim should "know" you are editing a 
mail and will already set textwidth=72 and use also some syntax coloring 
(ex. quotes and your .sig will show in a different color). 

Additionally I have this in my .vimrc

autocmd FileType mail set spell spelllang=ro,de,en fo+=aw       " spell and 
autowrap text in emails

[1] they have been disabled by default in Debian, but my .vimrc is based 
on the example in /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/vimrc_example.vim which 
enables them

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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