On Sun, Aug 02, 2009 at 07:24 -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * Osamu Aoki <os...@debian.org> [2009 Aug 02 01:46 -0500]:
> > If you push such thought, ...  Why even have X ... we can edit
> > everything by ed command.  No vi(m), no emacs, .... and few essential
> > packages only will get to use Debian.

Did this, I even ported ed to a 6809 OS whose name I can't recall
(i.e. not OS 9) to replace a wordstar style editor just for the sake of
editing with regex power ("?^{?-1,.p" still being the string I type.

> I can appreciate his desire that X not depend on HAL.  Sometimes
> "scratching that itch" involves removing those aspects we don't like as
> well as creating something new.  Perhaps the easiest way to accomplish
> that is to get the last Xorg packages that did not depend on HAL from
> snapshot.debian.org and once they're installed put them into the 'hold'
> status.

>  I suggested that he may be using the wrong distribution and
> that another may suit his needs better.

In the old days Debian had as a maxime differentiating it from other
Linux distributions: all configuration is handled via simple text
files.  If this has been withdrawn, I might as well switch to say
Ubuntu where I know they are using gconf (?) to configure e.g. gdm.

> Perhaps a BSD would be more to his liking.

Were we talking about Linux or about unixoid OSes?

> What he seems to fail to understand is that with Free
> Software he has the power to make the system *exactly* how he wishes
> unlike the proprietary system he suggests some of us should use.

Yes, even if it means to back out X's dependency on the almost dead
HAL.  I'm not yet fully decided, but I might even be inclined to help
him forking a more back to the roots Debian (without bash essential).

Don't get me wrong, IMHO Ubuntu is going the right way to reach
Joe.Luser and I tend to see it as kind of a fork of Debian
addressing a certain clientel.  What I don't like to see is
Debian following the same route by depriving a sysadmin of his
freedom to decide which daemons to run.

Thanks for listening
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