On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 07:18:57AM -0700, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 01:52:42PM +0100, Pigeon wrote:
> > He isn't. He's using [EMAIL PROTECTED] Something at your end is seeing
> > the '@localhost' and rewriting it to your domain name. 
> That's not right, either.  Sending something to @localhost never
> leaves your box.  Try it right now, disconnect your machine from the
> network and send something to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Eh? I meant he's sending everything _from_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] sure,
if he was sending to [EMAIL PROTECTED] we wouldn't be having this 
discussion :-)

> He's sending without a domain, your mail server is adding it on
> thinking it's local.  Your mailserver is doing the right thing, Mark's
> is borken.

True, I guess it's easier to accidentally misconfigure in such a way
as to send without a domain than to send from @localhost. I should 
have said that my *definite* knowledge is that the @localhost which I
see in Kevin's from header must be either from Kevin or from the
Debian list server - I get the digest, and burst it with a C program
that writes directly to the spool, so none of my rewriting rules ever
see the headers of list traffic (what few the digestifier leaves in).


Be kind to pigeons
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