bob parker wrote:

On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 16:13, Jacob Anawalt wrote:

bob parker wrote:

C is easier to learn than shell scripting, the elements at least, much

Perl. I personally find it quicker to code a dirty fix in C than anything
else and would not really consider shell programming for anything other
than glue for a sequence of other commands.

Just my 2 bits.

Another great example on why the variety is a good thing. I agree on the
C vs shell. The only way I write shell scripts is by example. I don't
understand it well enough to write a script from a blank page. On the
otherhand, I _so_ find myself wishing I could use regexp's this way in

Try man regex.
Seems that there are regex libraries for the C hacker. Never had need to use them myself yet but someday??

Thanks, but I already had. compile my regex, then execute it, check for errors then free it. _That_ made me look for a C++ class, but I didn't find one that overloaded the =~ s/<pattern>/<pattern>/ "operator" :P

Maybe the class is out there, and maybe there are some good examples of using regcomp(3). If it is, point me at it. I think in JavaScript I can assign a regex string (ie "s/<pattern>/<pattern>/") into a regex object. I was almost able to do with that what I do with regex patterns in Perl. It didn't seem to make the group expressions available after matching though. That's a nice feature in Perl.


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