Dear list,

Please excuse me if this question would be more appropriately asked in an other list, and indicate me the right one...

I would like to install the libdvdcss package, which appears on

There is a note on debian unofficial homepage about inclusion of lenny packages ("soon, but not quite yet"). I am indeed running lenny, but I am ready to install the sid package if need be (I tend to prefer sticking to the debian packaging system than to compile things myself, when possible). libdvdcss seems to be available for sid, as reported on the above-mentioned page.

However, I can't install that package. I have added the required lines in sources.list: deb stable main contrib non-free restricted deb testing main contrib non-free restricted deb unstable main contrib non-free restricted

Then I get a missing key error:
#LANG=C aptitude update
W: GPG error: stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 394D199524C52AC3
(and similarly for testing and unstable).

I tried the debian-unofficial faq suggestions, but they fail with an error message or do not solve the problem:
#LANG=C aptitude install debian-unofficial-archive-keyring
Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "debian-unofficial-archive-keyring"
(indeed there is no such package, according to debian package search []).

Then installing libdvdcss does not work:
#LANG=C aptitude install libdvdcss
No candidate version found for libdvdcss
#LANG=C aptitude install libdvdcss/unstable
Unable to find an archive "unstable" for the package "libdvdcss"

This thread might be related to the problem, but I don't read German [].

So the questions are:
- Is the fact that aptitude do not see the libdvdcss package related to the missing key problem?
- How can I solve the missing key problem?
- Is debian-unofficial not maintained any more (or currently down), as would indicate the note on the website home page and the fact that it suggests to install an apparently non-existing package for the keyring? In that case, any idea when it will be up again? (I can wait for my libdvdcss installation, it is not urgent, but I would like to know if waiting is hopeless.) - How can I install libdvdcss on my system? (Preferably through aptitude, although if not possible advices on how to do it differently would be appreciated.)

Thank you for any help or pointer.

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