On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 05:48:51AM -0400, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> On Tue August 11 2009, Thomas Hochstein wrote:
> > fetchmail cannot connect to the server it should poll (your "mail
> > domain host"). As you can reach that host via webmail (HTTP, Port 80)
> > and IMAP, it does not seem to be a network problem. Maybe the POP3
> > daemon on that host is not running / running very slowly?
> that's what I am thinking.. IMAP in Kontact seems to be working, but I'm 
> getting double emails...
> >
> > How do you poll your mail with fetchmail? Using POP3 or IMAP? If you
> > have configured fetchmail to fetch your mail via POP3, you should try
> > if _that_ works (not only webmail and IMAP). The easiest way would be
> > telnetting to port 110 on your mail domain host and see if you can get
> > a connection.
> I use POP3. wow.. I just tried to telnet to port 110. 60 seconds later, no 
> connection. tried port 25, responded instantly.
> can I setup fetchmail for IMAP?


proto imap

man fetchmailrc

and there is the question of whether they meant to drop pop3
support. it's possible that it died and they don't know it.


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