On Fri, Aug 29, 2003 at 06:54:48PM +0200, Yves Goergen wrote:

| Sorry to come in here with my Outlook Express... (still looking for
| a 'better' MUA for Win32)

Since you asked, here is a list of options I've heard of :

    .   Mahogany
    .   Mozilla Mail
    .   Pegasus
    .   The Bat!
    .   Eudora

I know that Mahogany and Mozilla are open source, and run on unix as
well as windows.  That's about all I can say about this list, though.

| But I must say that I find those PGP signatures a bit irritating,

| (And did I already mention that OE shows those other signed mails as
| attachments?)

Yeah, we know.  OE doesn't follow standards.  Just like many products
from MS.

    (a detailed rant on this is available at
    for your reading pleasure)


He who scorns instruction will pay for it,
but he who respects a command is rewarded.
        Proverbs 13:13

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Description: PGP signature

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