Hi, look what I got here:

hashim...@debian-lap:~$ acpitool -t
  Thermal info   : <not available>

On Sun, 2009-08-30 at 22:15 +0100, Liviu Andronic wrote:

> Hello
> On 8/29/09, Hashimoto <xano....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >  Hi guys, I'm back ; )
> >
> >  But with the same problem : (
> >
> >  My laptop is getting near to 70C easily running firefox or a virtual 
> > machine in VirtualBox.
> >
> Did you play with cpufreq-info and cpufreq-set? I often put the --max
> to some intermidiary value while choosing the ondemand governor. This
> ensures reponsive system and acceptably low temp. Alos, 70C could be
> just fine. Here on AMD with performance governor 75C is idle temp.
> With ondemand, 60C is idle temp and I do not start getting worried
> until the temp gets to 90C.
> li...@debian-liv:~$ acpitool -t
>   Thermal zone 1 : ok, 63 C
>   Trip points :
>   -------------
>   critical (S5):           110 C
>   hot (S4):                105 C
> But I guess I could be morme tolerant.
> Liviu

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