In <>, Ron Johnson wrote:
>On 2009-09-01 01:03, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>> Hello Chris !
>> Chris Jones wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 08:08:50PM EDT, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
>>>> Hello List,
>>>> I would like to change the string of a file name in a (propriety)
>>>> binary:
>>>> if applicable, how can we do that ?
>>> Use vim's binary mode.
>>> $ vim -b binary-file
>>> And before you start editing:
>>> :h edit-binary
>> It is claimed that
>>  When editing executable files the number of characters must not change.
>>  Use only the "R" or "r" command to change text.  Do not delete characters
>>  with "x" or by backspacing.
>> The first idea that comes is to put a '\n' at the desired end of the
>> string and then fill the extra with '\0': is it safe.
>IFF the app was written in a language that uses \0 as the string

Which you should be able to tell upon inspection.  If there's no '\0' after 
your string, using them as terminators is probably useless.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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