thveillon.debian wrote:
AG wrote:

Sorry if this is too far OT, but I was hoping for some Debian-specific
advice on obtaining and using Battle for Wesnoth campaigns.  The
website/ forum provides some linkages to additional campaigns, but after
following their instructions I just can't seem to call the supposedly
installed Wesnoth files.

Has anyone had any success in this, and if so, care to share the trick

Cheers verily.


Good question about Sunday mission-critical apps ;-)
Absolutely!  I've got my priorities sorted! :-)

Read about the user made campaigns here:

(this is for wesnoth 1.6, pick the right one for you, i.e. 1.7 is in

Download add-ons (campaigns but not only) from:

(again for 1.6)

Unpack the archives, copy the whole campaign folder into:


(this is for full campaigns, for other add-ons you'll have to look around).

(Re)start wesnoth, the new campaigns should be available from the
campaigns selector.

Remember to look at the campaign development status, if it's rated "WIP"
(Work In Progress) or "broken", you'll likely be disappointed as a
player, or thrilled as custom campaign developer...


This did the trick - good instructions of the cut-out-keep variety.

Now, some music, a beverage and some new campaigns on Wesnoth. A Sunday happy bunny.

Many thanks


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