In <>, wrote:
>Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
>> New blog post that might be useful for some out there:
>> <>.
>> It's got some very specific configurations, so it might even help those
>> out there that already have a solution like this.
>I use only exim4 without content checking, and the mail client. I get
>typically 2000-5000 attempted SMTP connections a day (of which about 100
>are genuine, mostly mailing lists), and an average of about a dozen
>spams a week make it into the inbox. Icedove spots at least 80% of those.

Out of the ~180 'DATA' commands I received yesterday, 83 resulted in an SMTP-
time rejection, 8 were forwarded to SpamCop.  My site-wide settings are quite 

>I refuse a (by now)
>quite large collection of CIDR blocks.

Of the ones that resulted in an SMTP-time rejection, most were from a mail 
server that has poor SPAM-scanning, but that shouldn't be rejected at the 

Since IP != identity, I'm not willing to block any ip address or range unless 
I have a mechanism for automatically expiring those blocks.  However, 
spamassassin accesses some half-dozen free-to-use DNSBLs that serve the same 
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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