Solved, thanks a lot!

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Klistvud <> wrote:

> Dne, 05. 10. 2009 12:18:16 je Tremolo 3molo napisal(a):
> > Hi,
> >
> > I can't seem to write to the NFS server. I am being root on the
> > client, and
> > the share is mounted with "rw".
> > Anyone spot the problem?
> >
> > NFS server: Debian Lenny, nfs-kernel-server 1:1.1.2-6lenny1
> > NFS client: Debian etch, nfs-common 1.0.10-6+etch.1
> >
> > NFS Server:
> > /etc/exports: /home/backup,sync,no_subtree_check)
> > No entries in hosts.allow or hosts.deny.
> >
> > NFS client:
> > on /dumps type nfs
> > (rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr,addr=
> > client:~# touch /dumps/test
> > touch: cannot touch `/dumps/test': Permission denied
> > client:~# cat /dumps/somefile
> > catting works
> >
> > No errors in daemon.log..
> >
> >
> IIRC nfs gives you write access to your home dir only. To override
> this, you must add the option
> no_root_squash
> to your /home/backup line in /etc/exports
> Cheerz!
> --
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