On Mon, Oct 05, 2009 at 09:21:24AM -0700, peasth...@shaw.ca wrote:
> > You mean like this?
>   <http://picasaweb.google.ca/lh/photo/ILSD92OavaYRqlD4CM7Ebw?feat=directlink>
> Yes.  Your controls appear to have the same 
> capabilities as Win XP.  The progress bar and 
> sound level control are absent on my systems.  
> Any idea what software makes the controls?
> The package list is here in case someone has 
> a suspicion.
>   http://carnot.yi.org/packages.dalton
> > Not sure what plugins were involved if any.
> Same here.

The plugin in the screenshot is totem-mozilla. gecko-mediaplayer should
also work. I don't know of any other plugins that handle streaming

> Thanks,          ... Peter E.


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